Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Can Be Any Kind of Tree You Want...Just Give Me a Moment to Prepare.

And I'm back on top.  I feel better.  And THAT is how it works.  One minute you can feel like an absolute waste of space, and the next, you are back to that feeling of belonging and acceptance.  ...It's freaking exhausting.

Today was not as dreary in both weather and curriculum.  After a quick trip to the bank to yell at them for still not providing me with a bank account, I managed to get to class on time.  First on the docket, Movement with Lucien and Benedicte.  No, these are not code words.  But rather the names of two phenomenal teachers.  Both have been trained at the Le Coq school and they are like two halves to one whole.  Like tweedle dee and tweedle dum.  Like the comedy and drama masks.  Like Yin and Yang.  Like Peanut butter and Jelly. ...ok, that was a bit much.  But they are truly two beautiful spritely people that give off such a wonderful vibe and finish each other's sentences.  Lucien also looks a bit like Andy Serkis which makes me giggle.
Today's movement was on the four elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air.  We hold a movement for each in different parts of the body.  Earth- stability, formidable, solid, and determined- can be found in your base/legs.  Water- fluidity, sensuality, freely- is in the pelvis.  Fire- hot, erratic, dangerous, lustful- is in the chest.  Air- malleable, without direction or limit, light, soft- is found in the head.  So we spent that time moving our bodies through each phase.  Earth is when we became (yup. No joke.  Theatre people actually do this.) trees.  I had always made fun of that, quoted Drop Dead Gorgeous (which we still did. you can click on the link below and see the reference), but today there was proof that there's reason why we do it.
Drop Dead Gorgeous here

 By envisioning the characteristics of a tree, you can become something powerful and stoic.  Something that could be used in a character who might be grounded and forceful.  We then became the waves and as a collective unit, ebbed and flowed in something that appeared like a whirlpool of people.  Fire, my least favorite, was more about that build and spasm of a fire's burn.  The sounds of crackling and hissing.  The heaviness and almost pant of breath.  What comes from that is feral and aggressive.  And finally air.  If you've ever watched a plastic bag being tossed around in the wind...well...insert actors here. 
Other exercises included molding ourselves and each other like clay, running from one side of the room to the other with arms spread to feel the air through our fingers, and pretending to jump off imaginary diving boards (testing the different levels of bounce from each end of the board.)  yeah...you know...just a normal day in the grind. 

Trust me, people.  I am quite aware how abnormal this all sounds.  But oddly enough, when you are here, this becomes the normal. 

After lunch the second class was Voice with Lorna again.  I centered myself (oh who am I kidding?  I sent a prayer to the big man upstairs that I wouldn't cockup from start to finish this time.)  And once again, the Lord came through.  After the normal warm up-alas there was no butt jiggling this time- we began on the text.  I still don't like reciting text on full voice for long periods of time.  It sounds and feels like shouting and I feel like I learn very little.  But I committed to the exercise and felt freer with it.  Then came the sound effects again (see last blog for more description).
Anyway, this time we used a half page worth of our "Pool (No Water)" text with six of us.  We read our chosen text and then extracted sounds and words we liked.  It was informal but structured. Just. how. I. like. it.
Everyone was heard and everyone contributed.  And what came from it was actually something quite special.  We set up our audience (the other half of our class) in the middle and asked them to close their eyes.  We then set ourselves in a circle around them so that our text and sounds would sound like surround sound to them.  There were points where we hadnt ironed out all the particulars but for the most part we created a visual world through sound.  At one point we created a hospital using the sounds of the dripping IVs, the hum of fluorescent lights, etc.  I wish I could explain it better.  But just know that it was a huge step forward for our group in collaboration.  And special props to one of our directing students PB.  His energy, openness, humor, and yet ACTUAL direction is something that makes me very excited to work with him. 
The other group made a huge impression on me as well.  With our eyes open, we watched them create amazing tableaus and images as well as enhancing the text through sound.  I was really proud.

So yes, today was a success.  And I embrace that.  I am more tired than I can say.  My back is in pretty bad shape after the 8 hours of physical work.  But I am happy and inspired.  I don't think there's anything better than that.

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