Sunday, October 30, 2011

I am not a One-Trick least I hope not.

Our first performance went extremely well.  The picture above is of my group from "Pool (No Water)" in one of our scenes.  It's funny when you rehearse something for 8 hours a day, every day.  Once you get up to perform, at least for me, I didn't really have any nervousness.  The two pieces were integrated together and we had an audience of all the BA 1st year actors, two of our writers and the head of the Playwright's Studio, our head of dept, and one of the directors who will be working with us on Chechov (which is next).  There were also some members from last year's MA CCT cohort. 
After two weeks of grueling work, it was all over in a little over an hour.  Poof. 
Later I received compliments on my voice work as well as my acute ability to play an intense powerful bitch. ...yeah.  Thank you? 
The truth is, that IS a compliment.  And I take it that way.  However, I do worry that that may be the one thing I can do.  I hope it's not the ONLY thing I can do.  It tends to be the fall back, or the card I keep in my back pocket.  It makes me wonder 1. why do I normally take a line that way?  and 2. Is that me going for what is easy.  I don't want to be a one-trick pony. 
I am sure there is a career out there to be had playing only bad guys, cranky secretaries, and bitchy neighbors.  And I'm sure I would fit right in.  But that will not take me to the next level (whatever the hell that means.)
Yes, there are some parts that I will just never play.  But I also know that as human beings, we have so many shades and colors to us.  It's not just Happy, Sad, Mad, etc.  There are so many facets that make up who we are.  The problem is making sure you can bring them forth so that you make a real person as opposed to a caricature. 
I think it may go back to the whole "self perception" thing.  How do you see yourself?  How do others see you?  Which is fact and which is fiction? 
I don't think I'm quite chameleon enough yet.  But I'm hoping at some point in this year, someone will give me that chance.  And maybe, just maybe, I'll find some shades and colors I never knew I had.

After the performance on Friday I crashed.  And I mean CRASHED.  I went home and didn't move again till Saturday night.  I wasn't going to move then either but my across the hall neight AW from the MA musical theatre course invited me to a small gathering at an apartment off campus.  I am REALLY glad I went.  It was nice being around musical theatre people again for a bit.  They are a different breed, my friends.  And it was also very low key which is how I prefer to spend my evenings anyway.  We watched Reservoir Dogs and then had an impromptu jam session with someone on keyboard, someone on acoustic guitar (named Isabel or Scarlet, we couldn't decide), and just sitting around singing songs.  I was plied with just enough beer to do a few Chinese grama impressions as well as sing India.Arie's "Ready For Love" and we sprawled out on the couch getting to know one another.  Didn't get home till about 3 a.m. 

Today I once again kept it easy.  Saw a movie (The Help...for the third time) and then hibernated in my room.  I very badly want to get out of Glasgow and see a bit of Scotland but I knew very well that my body and mind needed this weekend to sit and do nothing.  We also get tomorrow off for our mid term break.  And will have conferences (they call them Tutorials here) with our dept head to gage our progress on Tuesday. This week, in theory will be much more on the slow side.  Thank. God.

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