Sunday, April 15, 2012

If you've got nothing nice to say...go to the ballet.

First week back to rehearsals and it feels like we never left.  I can't say that that's entirely a good thing.  But I CAN say that we're finally getting somewhere.  With the show going up in about two and a half weeks, for the first time I can see its potential.  We've only truly worked the first three acts but I have no doubt that we'll be fine.  The tension and frustration is still very much in the room at all times, none of which is productive.  I have to admire our cast in how we've managed to muddle through despite the resistance and judgment that we've constantly encountered.  After a good sit down with the director, we thought all would be smoother.  But alas, within a half a day things had moved right back to its original pattern.  But rather than go into detail and get myself riled up over something that I can't change and something that is so temporary in my life, I'd like to focus on a few people who have made HUGE leaps in the roles they are playing.  Now, if any of my cast is reading this and I am not specifically talking about you, that doesn't mean I don't think you are awesome or that I won't regale your attributes later, but right now, I'd like to talk about these few people.

Firstly, KS.  This girl has been the joy of my day along with AK for quite some time now.  KS never shows her frustration or if she does, it is always in the most respectful and professional way.  When she was cast as the Duchess, I don't think anyone was more shocked than she.  But she has attacked the role in a way that me jumping up and down like I'm at a sporting event.  But this has been KS's way.  She has never had a project this year that she has not improved herself upon.  And here, she has found  within her a royalty, a stature, and a steel that is absolutely needed for this part.  Her voice has found its authority and she has learned to fight.  I'm more than proud of her.

LM, when cast as Ferdinand, was concerned about making a joke of himself.  He so badly wanted to be taken seriously in this role.  LM is a kinetic actor and I've never seen anyone "play" like he does.  He's absolutely fearless and has no problem making an absolute ass out of himself.  This is essential when trying to find brilliance.  Big was never his problem.  Through this, he's finding a beautiful way of portraying intimacy in a big way without making it farce or comical.  He can be heartbreaking.  It has nothing to do with the fact that he looks like a yummy alpha in his suit and tie.  It has everything to do with who he is. 

So.  Yay.  Something positive and good out of a situation of stress and suffocation.

In other news, I saw the Scottish Ballet put on A Streetcar Named Desire.  It was so beautiful.  They had a full orchestra that played jazz music, amazing lighting, and the dance was a mix of ballet, contemporary, and 50s jive.  It totally worked and was incredibly emotional.  And I really needed to see something that was not connected to anything we are doing right now in rehearsal.  So it served its purpose.

The next few weeks will be a bit overwhelming I think.  We'll be rehearsing both Measure and Malfi from 9-6pm with some evening rehearsals, and when not in those rehearsals I'll be in On the Verge rehearsals till 9pm.  As well as going to the gym, and learning monologues and sonnets for the Edinburgh night on the 24th.  But I like to be busy.  So all is well.

Thinking of you x

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